Hey all you Chickie babies, Cool cats, Greasers, and Motor heads. You are hip to a whole new sound, so put on your best threads, lose the squares, and get ready to head to fat city for the biggest bash of the weekend. Let's get cranked and have a blast!
Translation: Carrie & Rodney got hitched!
I had the pleasure of capturing Carrie and Rodney recite their vows in front of family and friends last Saturday. They came all the way from Washington just to share their day with us, and with the help of Carries' mother it all came together. They put together a 50's inspired cocktail bash - sounds and all. There wasn't a point when I wasn't singing or boppin' to the music!
When I meet Carrie she was just hanging with her groom watching the tube - cool, calm and collected. Rodney was shooed away - then the fun began.

It was so much so fun to be able to work with my sister. Michelle did the hair and make-up for Carrie - 50's style of course. Be sure to check her Facebook page out!
Hair by Michelle Faith

Did I mention Carrie has perfect skin? Jealous.
Grace watching on......

Meanwhile Rodney is just cooling it waiting for his bride to be....

And the BIG reveal!

"Awwww" That's what I hear every time I look at that photo:)
This has to be my favorite picture ever. Carrie you are gorgeous!

The Rock:)
Here comes the Bride....

Yes, a cemetery. Totally my idea. Crazy, but cool:)
Yeah, shes got it like that.

Hey good lookin'

OH another favorite - Carrie, you are one coooollll cat!

I'm going to end with one last photo. The shoes. But not just any ordinary shoes. These shoes have a story. Obviously they aren't the "normal" wedding day shoes that you might see. They're not pretty or dainty or princess like. These shoes, Carrie's shoes, are special. When she was 12 years old she HAD to have them. Carrie saved up for them(which is remarkable that a 12 year old would do!), but she was still a little short. So what does any little girl do? She goes to her daddy. Carrie begged and made a deal. The deal? She wanted them so much she said she would wear them on her wedding day. So about 9 years later and many, many miles, they traveled to their final destination. The end of the aisle to Rodney.

Thank you Carrie and Rodney for allowing me to be your personal paparazzi. It was a blast!
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