Ok, so ignore the stupid title. It's just me trying to be witty with a play on math. As you can see my math skills need some brushing up on:). Which is where Kerry would come into play perfectly.
On one of our lovely fall days I met the Dobry family at Clyburn Arboretum in Baltimore City. If you haven't gone yet - GO! It's beautiful, and I know I've only scratched the surface of exploring that place.
I know Kerry Dobry from my children's elementary school. She created this wonderful program called Math Wizards . It give children a unique and creative way to remember their times table without the doing it the old fashion way of "drill and kill" method, as she puts it:). I'm sure we all remember writing the times table multiply times so that it was drilled into our little brains LOL. Take a moment to check out Kerry's website - she's going places:). We'll all be able to say "we knew her when". :)
Without further ado.....
Here are Kerry's beautiful children. Don't they look sweet:)

Kerry had the wonderful idea to bring the children's instruments - I loved it!

Thank you guys for being beautiful inside and out!
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