Who wishes they looked this good at 8'oclock in the morning? I know I do. And after a night out, at that!

I am feeling the need to throw in a bunch of sayings I would hear on The Sopranos. I can't believe I am about to share this. LOL There were some very nice gentlemen taking out the trash (actual trash:)) that let us behind their gate so we could take pictures. I can't remember what they said, but it suddenly hit me that they had an accent like I've heard in movies! I was genuinely excited! Yes, they do let me out of my box upon occasion. I thought it was so neat. And now I am fighting the urge to delete this paragraph.
I had a lot of fun exploring Little Italy with you guys! Now I'm going to crawl back into my box.
Oh WOW. These are amazing photographs that you have taken, and the couple looks really great happy in all of them. And don't worry about the paragraph you did not embarras yourself.